Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; allows the ethereal and bioelectrical properties to resonate with the mild electromagnetic field of the neurological tissues, and removes any energy-patterns that impede the advancement of the life force (prana); augments the etheric body for the purpose of increasing the assimilation of life force (prana) into the physical body, and enhances the connection between the etheric and physical bodies while producing greater clarity in the emotional body; provides a higher state of vibration to the mental body, resulting in greater resonance between one's mental body and that of another person; acts as a retardant or grounding element to the radical patterns of the emotional body, thereby making an individual more conceptually balanced; energizes the mental body, and strengthens the emotional and etheric bodies; aligns the astral, mental, emotional and etheric bodies together in order to function more as a single unit, and aligns the causal body with the mental and emotional bodies in a more balanced manner; aligns the etheric body closer to the physical body, which intensifies the ability of the life force (prana) by draining off any negative energy-patterns; aligns and balances the mental and emotional bodies in order to stimulate greater sensitivity, as well as to resolve any sexual conflicts; aligns the mental, emotional and integrated spiritual bodies together, which cultivates greater discrimination; strengthens all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, and acts as a general cleanser of all the subtle bodies; activates all the qualities stored in the splenic/sacral chakra, thereby releasing any tension in the abdominal region; aligns the heart and splenic/sacral chakras together in order to function more as a single unit, and releases any blockages in the sexual (splenic/sacral) and crown chakras while providing deeper states of harmony and balance to the 2nd and 3rd chakras; activates the psycho-spiritual properties of each chakra, and provides greater emotional balance from the higher realizations that were achieved through the processes of the 3rd chakra; cleanses all the major meridians, and balances the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates any sexual dysfunctions that are psychologically induced, and reduces any form of sexual imbalances, insecurities or fear of intimacy; eases any anger or discord, and dispels any fear or negativity while calming the nerves; cleanses and releases various tensions that are stored in the abdominal region, as well as the subconscious mind; relieves any suppressed emotional or sexual instincts, as well as any form of sexual frustration by easing one's sexual desire; allows any repressed sexual feelings, emotions or tensions to gradually surface in order to be examined and resolved, and relieves any depression associated with various issues that involve the sexual make-up of an individual; eliminates any form of emotional distancing in sexual relationships, due to profound trauma, rejection or abuse from early childhood; eases any form of psychosis that is related to sexual anxieties by removing any blockages in the personality structure, and promotes greater clarity of thought while assisting those individuals who are enmeshed in some of the lower and more difficult emotions or emotional states; enhances the tendency to better understand and deal with one's emotions more easily, and focuses or concentrates energy into the heart region as an individual's emotional states are being dealt with; restores greater balance to one's emotional state by integrating all of the emotions so that an individual becomes truly sensitive, and enables an individual to better understand their emotional nature and therefore make better choices in those situations where intuitive knowledge is necessary in order to make the correct decision; purifies the imagination while elevating the thought-patterns, and catalyzes one's emotional awareness; increases an individual's access to the subconscious mind, and assists in the assimilation of any newly-released emotions.



Alleviates any unbalanced forms of sexual expression, sexual energy or fear of intimacy, as well as the acting out of any inappropriate sexual behavior; eliminates all forms of debasing or dehumanizing sexual activity, as well as any sinful-based belief-systems associated with one's sexual activity; resolves any form of identity crisis involving one's sexuality (including societal problems concerning homosexuality and lesbianism), and reduces any tendencies towards illicit sexuality that is often expressed in secretive ways; relieves any tension between the polarities of spiritual purity and physical sexuality by removing the tendency to polarize the experience of sexuality and spirituality, which often leads to clandestine behavior or marital stress; enhances an individual's ability to integrate their sexuality and spirituality into a sacred wholeness within a love relationship, especially when viewed as opposing polarities; provides a more balanced integration of human warmth and sexual intimacy, and allows an individual to better connect with the true feelings of the Self (especially in terms of the relationship of sexual impulses and desires to the authentic emotions of the heart); regulates sexual morality between men and women by providing greater sensitivity to one's baser sexuality, which opens and transforms an individual from their baser sexual responses to true levels of sensitivity; alleviates any excessive interest in one's sexuality (especially in the form of pornography or sexual addiction towards one's personal relationships with others), thereby reducing any excessive activity in the lower energy-centers (chakras); alleviates the tendency to become involved in sexually abusive or destructive relationships by removing the unconscious desire to become entangled or "caught up" in such a negative situation, and provides an individual with increased courage in order to confront and actively transform any abusive, destructive, negative or threatening situations or circumstances; assists the female in reclaiming their true sexuality by re-ensouling these forces with more vitality and authenticity, and promotes deeper emotional contact or bonding by opening the heart and sensitizing the emotional nature; strengthens one's ability to express deeper feelings of love and connectedness (especially in a sexual relationship) by providing a matrix of emotional nutrients that were lacking in one's earliest feelings about incarnation, and creates a sense of nurturing (or the recognition of a need for nurturing) within an individual; enhances one's ability to experience true love in a sexual relationship with their partner by providing greater warmth and responsiveness in both the male and female sexuality, particularly in terms of integrating soul warmth with physical or bodily passion; enhances one's ability to form committed relationships by promoting more full-hearted participation or emotional vulnerability in one's sexual involvements with others, and restores greater balance in those interpersonal relationships concerning sexual issues by creating a unity of mind and a clarity of consciousness between couples (as well as balancing the masculine and feminine qualities); negates any male sexual machismo, thereby developing the maternal aspect of a male's personality; enhances the blending of the male and female halves of oneself by assisting an individual in establishing a true sense of identity with their feminine nature, as well as developing a stronger relationship to feminine warmth and positive sexuality; assists the male in his relationship to women in relation to sexual issues or insecurities associated with male sexuality, and overcomes any insecurities surrounding the acceptance of one's femininity; provides a greater sense of gentleness, and promotes increased humanness in an individual; strengthens the understanding of how one feeling allows an individual greater peacefulness, while another emotion is more difficult to deal with; enhances one's ability to perceive higher levels of reality by aligning an individual closer to thoughts associated with their Higher Self, and manifests greater wisdom within an individual by developing a fuller perspective and a more impersonal nature; allows an individual to better appreciate the beauty of life by increasing one's personal expression or creativity, and promotes greater harmony and inner peacefulness.

