Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the formative forces in the physical and etheric bodies, and re-establishes the equilibrium between the astral and etheric bodies; strengthens the etheric body, which enhances any form of healing process; balances the astral body, and cleanses the emotional and etheric bodies; expands the emotional body, while strengthening the emotional, etheric and causal bodies; relaxes and spiritualizes the mental body, which provides greater spiritual insight and acuteness of the senses; activates a greater sense of harmony in the causal body, and acts as a general cleanser of all the subtle bodies; attracts all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment, and aligns the etheric body closer to the cellular level and the emotional body; aligns the etheric body more closely to the physical body, which intensifies the capability of the life force (prana) by draining off any negative energy-patterns; aligns the astral, mental, emotional and etheric bodies together in order to function more as a single unit, thereby increasing the amount of life force (prana) within the Self; aligns the mental and emotional bodies, which manifests those aspects of psycho-spiritual dynamics involving greater spiritual illumination; aligns the mental, causal, emotional and integrated spiritual bodies, which generates greater clarity in an individual towards truly understanding what their feelings are in any diverse subject matter; aligns the emotional body with the integrated spiritual body, which spiritualizes and uplifts the emotions; balances the root, solar plexus and brow chakras, while activating the crown chakra; strengthens the heart and solar plexus chakras, and augments the brow, crown and solar plexus chakras; removes any blockages in the crown chakra, and eases all the miasms; enhances the coordination of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th chakras, thereby producing more energy-transfer and deeper states of relaxation concerning issues of nurturance; activates the psycho-spiritual dynamics of each chakra, and balances the creativity of the 2nd chakra with the sensitivity of the emotional (3rd) chakra in order to provide greater feeling to one's personal expression; energizes the minor chakra that is located where the breast bones intersect below the throat region, which spiritualizes the emotions and provides a greater sense of humility; cleanses all the major meridians, and re-balances the energy-flows throughout all the meridians; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional extremes, and eases any emotional problems; removes any negative thought-forms by elevating one's thought processes, and prevents the formation of any psychosomatic imbalances; relieves any tensions that are stored in the mental body, and eliminates any blockages in the personality structure; alleviates various forms of intolerant or self-righteous attitudes, as well as any form of impatience or condemnation towards others; removes any tendencies towards greed, selfishness or carelessness, as well as any reclusive forms of self-centered behavior; eliminates any inappropriate form of selfish behavior associated with soliciting or manipulating the attention, psychic energy or emotions of others for one's own personal needs or desires, as well as any form of emotionally possessive attitudes or excessive needs for undue attention; alleviates any needy expressions of love or negative ways of gaining attention, and removes any excessive self-concern or self-absorbed activity; eases any excessive form of preoccupation with one's own problems, while enhancing greater insight into an individual's personal problems or daily concerns; eliminates any tendency to refrain from participation in social relationships (due to disdainful attitudes), or as a result of any personal perceptions of oneself as being better than others; alleviates any form of stinginess associated with the tendency to hoard one's possessions rather than sharing them with others, and removes any excessive attachment to position or power that is directly associated with deep fears about one's own death or mortality; alleviates certain forms of bitterness associated with a materialistic lifestyle, including an intellectual form of hostility caused by feeling isolated from society in general; provides greater understanding of one's overall suffering that will allow for a more rapid assimilation of these various levels of sadness, thereby enhancing an individual's appreciation of such patterns so that they will utilize this information in order to make the necessary changes; enhances one's ability to release their pain, and develops greater attunement to new behavioral patterns; imparts greater insight into the broader meaning and larger patterns of any mental or emotional experiences, and enables an individual to re-integrate or re-pattern their emotional life into a new form of wholeness and self-identity; enhances deeper states of self-love by nourishing an individual's inner neediness, and promotes greater mental serenity and clarity of thought.



Activates an inner strengthening of one's beingness, and allows a deeper sense of inner peace to permeate throughout the mental, emotional and etheric bodies; allows an individual to respond with greater resilience and inward mobility to various challenges or problems, while enhancing one's capability to release any problems or difficulties associated with the inability to cope with the normal demands and responsibilities of the adult ego; alleviates any extreme states of soul dependency or regression that are normally characterized by the lack of an independent ego identity, while stimulating a deeper sense of one's true Self; enhances and clarifies a greater acceptance of those choices involving one's true life purpose, and enables an individual to attain their spiritual goals more easily (especially those that relate to humanity as a whole); develops a more altruistic nature, and activates a greater willingness to serve the needs of others while remaining truly conscious of one's own Self; allows an individual to learn to distinguish between personal emotions or desires and genuine impersonal love and caring for another, and develops greater sensitivity and understanding towards the needs of others; generates more empathetic understanding, and increases one's ability to exist in a state of telepathic empathy in order to truly see through another's eyes; allows an individual to perceive the suffering of others, as well as to experience a more joyful and compassionate connection to the human family; allows an individual to better accept whatever they perceive, as well as to change their belief-structures in order to proceed forward in new directions with these altered methods of perception; increases one's ability to receive thought-impressions and ideas from many different viewpoints so that any universal belief-systems can be enlarged or expanded upon, while enhancing a sense of deeper gracefulness when accepting these new ideas; allows an individual to synthesize ideas or emotions into a living wholeness, as well as to experience greater wholeness and meaning in relation to their overall understanding of life itself; provides a greater sense of global community awareness, and alters an individual's self-image towards an enhanced perception of community and group goals or directions; allows an individual to become more capable of developing an archetypal or holistic form of conscious awareness by stimulating greater forces of intelligence or insight into one's overall life experience, and allows an individual to feel more secure within themselves (and therefore less dependent upon external matters); eliminates any form of spiritual selfishness by developing the ability to share one's inner Self or spiritual gifts with others in a more open and generous manner, while promoting more open and expansive spirituality in terms of one's interactions with others; integrates one's spirituality in a more balanced manner with the other energy-centers (chakras), and reverses those psychic energy-currents that are directed too strongly towards the Self; balances and re-directs all of one's psychic energy-currents, especially those that flow through the heart and solar plexus regions; imparts a deeper sense of understanding towards the nurturing or "loving" side of oneself, and develops the ability to transmit energy of a feeling and nurturing nature to other individuals that one does not normally care about; enhances a greater awareness of God in all that is physical matter, and stimulates the spiritual essence of one's interpersonal relationships; eliminates any tendency towards spiritual pride by developing more inner humility and greater objectivity, and provides greater attunement to one's Higher Self by developing more meditative insight and synthesis; enhances the soul qualities of adaptability, empathy, forgiveness, humility, inner tranquility, personal responsibility, readiness to help others, wisdom, and tolerance for the individuality of others, as well as the soul potentials of acceptance, emotional self-sufficiency, generosity, motherliness, prudence, selfless love, service, social appreciation and versatility; balances the masculine and feminine qualities, and promotes more inner joyfulness, deeper understanding, inner peace and a greater sense of well-being.

