Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the ethereal fluidium in order for it to be more evenly distributed throughout the cellular level, and enhances the ability of the etheric body to absorb and interact with the vibrational levels from all the other subtle bodies; augments the ethereal fluidium, thereby providing greater immunity or resistance against any bacterial problems on the subtle levels; expands the astral body and relaxes the emotional body, while attracting the causal and integrated spiritual bodies closer to the physical body in a more coordinated manner; removes any form of confusion from the emotional body, thereby providing increased mental clarity and greater emotional presence; strengthens the thermal body (a combination of the etheric body and the heat of the physical body), thereby providing greater resistance to any form of hostile microbes while enhancing the breeding process for those microorganisms that are necessary for supplying the nutritional needs of the physical body; activates the heart and brow chakras, and strengthens the solar plexus chakra; activates the minor chakras that are situated on both heels, which generates increased self-confidence; energizes the minor chakra that is located adjacent to the armpits in order to allow the physical body to absorb additional amounts of orgone energy, which produces a greater sense of vitality; strengthens all the meridians and nadis, and energizes all the nadis that are located in the lower extremities (particularly the feet); balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional imbalances, and eases any self-doubts or confusion; removes the inability to express one's inner feelings, thereby eliminating any occasional outbursts of aggression or a distorted sense of self-righteousness; eases any fear towards one's "shadow Self" or lower emotions, as well as any difficulties involving the acceptance or interaction with various forms of intense emotions (such as anger, power or control issues); eliminates any suppression or denial of one's core emotions, and removes any form of emotional repression or the tendency to mask one's true feelings with false states of hyper-emotionality or psychosomatic symptoms; alleviates any form of emotional amnesia by allowing an individual to contact and release various unpleasant or painful memories from their previous childhood experiences, and eases any difficulties associated with contacting these suppressed emotions by allowing any prior awareness of this emotional pain from childhood to surface and be resolved; eliminates any form of resistance towards one's emotional pain in order to avoid resolving the issues that surround this inner healing process, and removes the tendency to resist the pain associated with one's life experiences by generating a more active disengagement from life itself; imparts greater emotional depth and honesty by providing greater courage to actively acknowledge and transform any unpleasant emotions or feelings, and addresses any rebellious tendencies in one's emotional life by refining these into more positive qualities of awareness and insight; provides greater emotional catharsis in order for one's feeling life to become more genuine by conveying greater depth and emotional presence, thereby allowing the soul life to become more emotionally authentic and vital; awakens and "softens" the emotional life in order to enable an individual to recognize and retrieve any important information about the inner healing process, and allows an individual to better acknowledge and identify with the "softer" side of themselves in order to create boundaries that are inclusive rather than exclusive; alleviates any insecurities or excessive forms of over-protectiveness towards one's personal boundaries, and removes the tendency to erect negative barriers between oneself and others by displaying various forms of anger, hostility or irritability in order to maintain a "safe" emotional distance; eases any resistance towards intimate social contact (due to fears that are directly associated with the violation of one's boundaries), and eliminates any form of avoidance mechanisms for the purpose of emotional distancing or coping by allowing an individual to become more decisive and straightforward in their response to others (or to life itself); alleviates any form of resistance associated with the ability to learn from one's life experiences, and eases any tendency towards inertia or procrastination that deprives an individual of greater opportunities for increased development; eliminates any form of inattentiveness or disinterest in the affairs of daily life, as well as any strongly resistant or defiant attitudes or habit-patterns that undermine or subvert the real intention or expression of the Self; alleviates the tendency to cling to one's material possessions, due to a fear of "lack" (or the feeling that there is not enough); removes the tendency to hoard or carefully guard one's material possessions in order to establish a matrix of security for the essential Self by desperately attempting to grasp a firm hold on the material world, and eliminates any psychological need to firmly establish one's personality in the outer world as a defensive form of resistance or defiance against death and mortality; eases any difficulties towards accepting the aging process, due to excessive attachments to one's youthfulness, outer persona or materialistic values; alleviates the tendency to cling to a child-like personality by remaining in an arrested and overly-dependent stage of development, and eases any retarded phases of mental or emotional development by allowing an individual to maintain a healthy relationship to their "inner child" while functioning as a fully mature adult; removes the tendency to remain in an arrested or immature stage of development by avoiding the acceptance of one's adult responsibilities, and eliminates any form of inner resistance towards confronting one's daily responsibilities in life (especially when expressed as fatigue or a general lack of involvement); alleviates any resistance towards remaining in the present moment, due to activities such as day-dreaming, fantasizing about the future, or extreme nostalgia for the past; removes the tendency to emotionally cling to any past events, places or relationships, and eliminates the tendency to "gloss over" a past relationship or an earlier phase of one's life with dreamy reverie by ignoring the actual pain and trauma that was part of the experience; develops increased mental flexibility, and provides greater emotional balance within the Self.



Allows an individual to liberate themselves from any deeply-resistant karmic patterns, and enhances one's ability to perceive, understand and remove any obstacles in their life that are produced by various forms of resistance or defiance; eliminates any tendency towards stagnation in one's growth cycle that leads to patterns of procrastination, resistance or defiance, and allows an individual to learn from any previous life experiences by clearly perceiving their underlying meaning or message; stimulates the cognitive capabilities of an individual so that they grasp the essential nature of the present experience more completely and rapidly in order to learn the appropriate lessons, thereby liberating them from the compulsive need to repeat mistakes or re-create any regressive patterns; addresses various forms of obsessive or compulsive behavioral patterns in the personality structure or psyche by liberating an individual from any overly-repetitive or habitual patterns that retard the soul's full development, and enhances an individual's capability for initiating and sustaining both their emotional and spiritual development; stimulates an energetic response in the body and soul in order to overcome any apparent blocks to one's overall progress or personal transformation, and removes any resistance towards the true expression of one's energetic qualities or patterns; eliminates any form of resistance or defiance towards making a viable connection with one's Will-forces, and allows an individual to break through any resistance or defiance by catalyzing their Will-forces directly through the heart; stimulates the love forces of the heart so that the soul discovers greater enthusiasm for earthly life and worldly tasks, and provides greater attentiveness and a more positive connection to one's daily work or life tasks; allows an individual to expand their learning capabilities by observing the behavior of others, as well as by following life's events with greater attention that is always focused on the present moment; eliminates any tendency to resist the present by clinging too strongly to the past, as well as the tendency to refrain from full involvement or participation in life; alleviates any form of deep-seated social alienation, as well as any resistance towards generating more compassionate caring and activity in the world; eliminates any excessive forms of inner reserve or proud withdrawal, as well as any distorted feelings of isolated superiority; eases various forms of aversion towards greater social involvement, and balances the soul's individuality with its social identity in order to create a more harmonious form of social consciousness; allows the human soul to make the transition to a more inclusive state of conscious awareness in order to experience a more compassionate and joyful connection to the human spiritual family, and allows an individual to shift from any ego identification with their personality to a much higher spiritual identity; enhances one's ability to contact their true spiritual ego, as well as to contemplate the impermanent nature of earthly affairs in relation to the Higher Self; removes the inability to contact the Higher Self by awakening and expanding the soul life, thereby providing more sensitive and receptive attunement towards one's connections to subtle influences or guidance from higher realms; allows an individual to establish a more conscious relationship to higher spiritual authority or guidance, and provides greater acceptance towards the guidance associated with one's "inner voice"; eliminates the tendency to defy one's inner guidance, or to resist doing that which one knows is necessary or proper; removes the inability to discover the proper balance between an individual sense of one's Self and the higher needs of the group, and enhances one's ability to become more flexible when considering the needs of others; eases any difficulties associated with one's interactions with others in a group context, and develops more inner flexibility and adaptability; removes the tendency to resist sharing one's material possessions or oneself with others, and addresses the capability for a more generous and sharing nature within the human soul by enhancing the ability to feel an inner sense of abundance; develops greater self-confidence, and enhances one's overall willingness to consistently express the truth to others; develops more independent judgement and active decision-making capabilities, as well as the ability to trust one's own inner knowingness; allows an individual to identify the underlying principles associated with any form of ambivalence or inner conflict, as well as to recognize and resolve any inner opposites within oneself; promotes more evenness of temper, along with greater discernment and objectivity; eliminates any resistance or defiance towards authority (including any form of alienation or conflict with authority figures), due to a lack of connection with one's own inner sense of authority; eliminates any lack of spiritual receptivity or resistance to one's inner work (such as meditation, spiritual guidance, or a greater awareness of one's dream-states), and provides greater ego surrender whenever the soul must submit itself to a process of spiritualization; stimulates greater spiritual or psychic sensitivity, thereby removing any form of resistance towards establishing more direct contact with one's spirit guides; removes any deeply resistant or unconscious beliefs about the physical world that the soul has acquired in previous incarnations, and assists an individual in "softening" their relationship to physical matter by directing their spiritual focus into the physical body; alleviates any difficulties associated with being fully incarnated in the physical body, as well as any resistance or defiance towards one's healing processes (due to a deep aversion to the physical incarnation process itself); eases any form of inner resistance towards taking full responsibility for one's own healing process by remaining overly-dependent upon outside assistance, and addresses the capability of the Self to become more involved in (and take responsiblity for) its own healing journey by enabling the Self to believe in (and affirm) its own capacity for recovery and restoration; eliminates any resistance to "letting go" of one's physical life in order to move across the spiritual threshold into the higher spiritual realms of existence, and facilitates a more profound soul awakening by transforming any patterns of resistance or defiance of death into a more conscious awareness of spiritual life; eases any form of resistance towards experiencing the pain or challenges of life on Earth, and allows an individual to overcome any resistance towards truly manifesting their desires on the physical plane; provides a deeper sense of wellness and wholeness, while motivating an individual to seek and affirm the wholeness of life; enhances the soul qualities of equanimity, gracefulness, humility and wisdom, as well as the soul potentials of capacity for change, creative idealism, freshness of mind, inner certainty, inner vitality, joyfulness, learning capabilities, materialization, and the ability to confront others or establish connections.

