Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the ethereal fluidium on the cellular level, and enhances the connection between the physical and etheric bodies; calms the emotional body, thereby producing increased emotional stability; strengthens the astral, mental and etheric bodies, and activates the emotional body in order for it to absorb additional energy from the etheric body; strengthens the astral body in order to prevent the intrusion of any lower astral plane influences, and clarifies the emotional body; integrates the mental and emotional bodies in order for the emotions to be examined more objectively, thereby providing increased emotional stability; attracts all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies into a temporary state of alignment, and aligns the astral, causal, mental and emotional bodies together in order for them to function more as a single unit; aligns the mental, emotional and integrated spiritual bodies, and aligns all the other subtle bodies closer to what the integrated spiritual body is perceiving; aligns the mental body with the outer extremities of the soul body, thereby releasing any emotional tensions; fuses the mental and causal bodies together, which enhances the ability to hear what is being spoken on clairvoyant levels; activates and balances the heart chakra by coordinating the energies of the heart and thymus gland, and strengthens the 5th and 6th chakras; cleanses the heart chakra, which provides increased caring and greater sensitivity; integrates the activities of the crown chakra into the conscious mind, and magnifies the properties of all the chakras; strengthens and energizes the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras, as well as the minor chakras that are located in the hands and feet; activates the minor chakra that is connected to the pancreas, which calms the emotions; strengthens and regulates the flow of all the meridians, while energizing and tonifying all the nadis; balances the yin and yang qualities, as well as the yin and yang energies throughout the entire meridian system.



Alleviates all emotional imbalances, and releases any negative thought-patterns; protects an individual against any form of negative influences, such as extreme emotionalism; removes the tendency to be argumentative, and prevents any anxieties from extending into the cellular level; releases any tensions that are stored within the subconscious mind, thereby restoring and maintaining greater emotional balance; removes the tendency to refrain from any full participation in earthly life, due to deep feelings of alienation; eases any profound sense of social alienation, as well as the tendency to be vindictive or vengeful towards others; eliminates any retarded phases of mental or emotional development, and removes any form of emotional congestion or misdirected love forces by regulating and harmonizing one's emotional life; alleviates any form of emotional confusion or over-sensitivity, due to the inability to identify between those feelings that originate from the Self and those that are directly absorbed from others; eliminates any lack of emotional clarity or any form of dysfunctional merging or overly-sympathetic identification with others, as well as the tendency to "sponge up" any emotional debris from others; eases any lack of appropriate emotional boundaries or extreme over-sensitivity towards others, and reduces any form of emotional trauma or hypersensitivity in one's interpersonal relationships with others; removes the tendency to be easily influenced by any group or family ties, or to become subjected to peer pressure or social expectations; eliminates the tendency to conform one's behavior to various social norms in order to win greater approval or acceptance, and removes the tendency to relate to others as parental figures by feigning helplessness or extreme dependency; releases the compulsive need to use a false persona in one's efforts to please others, or the tendency to annoy others for the purpose of negative attention; alleviates any needy expressions of love or any negative methods of gaining attention from others, and eases any form of emotional neediness; removes the tendency to manipulate the emotions of others in order to satisfy one's own needs or desires, and eliminates any extremely jealous, envious or possessive attitudes that involve the excessive interference or secret manipulation of others; eases any form of emotional co-dependence, or the tendency to develop relationships that are based upon fear or possessiveness; alleviates any selfish forms of conditional love, and removes any clinging form of possessiveness by developing greater non-attachment; eases any disturbances or distortions in one's relationship to their masculinity or femininity, due to a conflicted or deficient relationship with the mother or father parental image during childhood; provides greater healing of the mother- or father-child bonding process, while removing any form of afflicted masculinity or femininity issues that lead to distorted relationships with others; removes the inability to express one's true feelings or to seek greater emotional contact with another person, and eliminates the tendency to avoid any form of deep emotional contact or bonding by providing greater personal warmth and contained emotional presence; eases any fear associated with intense feelings or the repression of any unpleasant or lower emotions, and alleviates any form of repressed sexual feelings or the acting out of any inappropriate sexual behavior; eases any fear of intimate contact or emotional openness, and allows an individual to overcome any fear of intimacy by integrating their sexuality with the heart feelings; enhances one's ability to express deep feelings of love and connectedness, especially in sexual relationships; promotes a more direct and clear communication of one's deep feelings by allowing an individual to contact the true feelings of the Self, especially in terms of the relationship between sexual impulses or desires and the authentic emotions of the heart; develops a more profound understanding of human emotions by allowing an individual to better distinguish between any personal emotions or desires and genuine impersonal love and caring for another, and allows an individual to learn that only by remaining open and risking vulnerability can they truly experience the warmth of human love and affection; removes any fear of vulnerability that leads to displays of hostility or the creation of emotional barriers, as well as the tendency to erect any negative barriers between oneself and others in order to maintain a safe emotional distance; eliminates any compulsive need to seek sexual liaisons outside of the main partnership, as well as the tendency to seek sexual relationships that do not engage full-hearted participation or emotional vulnerability; assists an individual in transmuting any overly-hostile or aggressive tendencies into more positive social impulses, and allows an individual to shift from various forms of aggressive or competitive models of behavior to those that are more cooperative and inclusive of others; eases any disproportionate amount of energy that is directed towards issues of personal power or welfare, including any excessive concern for one's own personal well-being; releases any form of suspicion by developing greater warmth and trust, while providing greater mental and emotional clarity.



Activates the psycho-spiritual dynamics within an individual, and aligns the superconscious mind's spiritual values with the heart chakra; harmonizes all affairs of the heart, including any extreme attachments to other individuals; removes the inability to form committed relationships, due to feelings of abandonment or rejection during childhood; assists those families who experience difficulties associated with living together, especially when caused by extremely overcrowded conditions; provides greater strength and perseverance, despite any difficulties in one's interpersonal relationships; enhances the ability to retain one's integrity in any relationship or social situation, and eliminates the tendency to live too extensively outside the boundaries of one's own Self; alleviates the inability to be true to oneself, and removes the tendency to hide the essential Self from others; eases any distorted sense of the Self by allowing the soul to balance its individuality with its social identity, and addresses those issues associated with the proper integration of one's inner masculine (animus) or inner feminine (anima) portions of the Self; enhances the ability of the feminine Self to more actively interact within any masculine structures or contexts, as well as the ability to extend one's feminine forces into various social situations; provides a greater internalization of feminine values into the larger culture, especially in the worlds of business and politics; promotes a more well-developed individuality, as well as an inner sense of Self that is balanced with any form of group or social consciousness; assists an individual in balancing their innate sense of Self within a group context in order to create a more harmonious form of social consciousness, and allows an individual to make and sustain the shift from a limited and narrow conception of the Self to one that is more expansive and inclusive of others; removes the inability to discover the proper balance between an individual sense of Self and the higher needs of the group, and promotes greater cooperation with others in any form of group endeavors; enhances the potentials of any shared individual or group thought-forms that interact between various persons as they work together for a common goal, and allows an individual to progress from a limited personal perspective towards those values that include the greater whole; assists an individual in transforming any personal survival impulses into greater social values, thereby allowing them to work for the common good of everyone; promotes more open-hearted sharing and friendliness, as well as greater selfless service and a more altruistic sacrifice of one's personal desires for those of the common good; eases the inability to reach out to others by encouraging an individual towards greater social involvement, and develops greater enthusiasm towards helping others; creates a greater sense of social responsibility by developing a more social commitment to life, and provides more social connectedness and a greater commitment to one's community; develops a more open-hearted ability to love others unconditionally, and promotes a more balanced exchange of heart energies; allows an individual to learn that the capacity to love another is based upon the ability to honor and nourish the Self, and provides greater love and devotion towards the care of others; promotes more selfless love that is given freely to others, and allows an individual to give to others without expecting or needing anything in return; enhances the ability of the human soul to display greater nurturance and caring attention for others, as well as to feel and embrace the warm and loving presence of the maternal consciousness; develops a more nurturing aspect towards one's relationships with others, and provides more inner peace and harmony as a foundation for one's outer relationships; develops greater clarity and inner peace in one's current relationships, and harmonizes one's inner solar forces for greater emotional peace and stability; increases an individual's understanding of the emotional Self in order to make better choices in their interpersonal relationships, and enhances the soul potentials of motherliness and selfless love; provides greater emotional freedom, and allows an individual to respect the freedom and individuality of others; subdues the many small emotions that vex the soul life by helping to consolidate these into a more fundamental soul essence of serenity and equanimity, and restores the soul's ability to feel unity and wholeness; imparts greater objectivity and containment, and develops greater loving awareness of others from a more Self-contained level of consciousness; provides greater personal warmth, kindness and sensitivity, and enhances the ability to better respond to loving kindness from others; balances the active and receptive modes of communication by providing more benign compassion to the human soul, and allows the art of communication to be more intensively developed as a soul force; eases any lack of receptivity in one's communications with others by enhancing greater communication and receptivity towards another, as well as providing greater warmth in one's verbal intercourse; assists an individual who is not completely in touch with what another person is saying by increasing one's overall telepathic or empathetic qualities, and encourages the human soul to become more aware of its relationship and responsibility to the human spiritual family (as well as those souls in the spiritual world who reside outside the physical dimension); assists the soul in assuming more active and conscious responsibility for its connection to spiritual realms, as well as in maintaining a conscious link with loved ones who have crossed the threshold; enhances the ability to perceive the deeper karmic bonds within one's relationships, as well as the ability to acknowledge the spiritual destiny or greater intent of a certain relationship with another; provides greater self-acceptance and emotional openness, along with the courage to take greater emotional risks with others; tempers and spiritualizes the ego, which draws an individual closer to a sense of androgyny within the Self; removes the tendency to polarize one's sexuality and spirituality, which often leads to various forms of clandestine behavior or marital stress; develops greater balance between one's sexuality and spirituality in various interpersonal relationships, and provides a more balanced integration between human warmth and sexual intimacy.

