Activates the biomagnetic, bioelectrical and biocrystalline properties in the physical body, thereby enhancing communication between the subtle bodies; amplifies the discharge of ethereal toxicity from the system by dispelling any mental or emotional toxins (negative thought-forms) into the subtle bodies and ethers, where they are ultimately transformed and disintegrated; strengthens the ethereal fluidium on the cellular level, and energizes the astral, mental and etheric bodies in order to bring them into a state of greater resonance; strengthens the mental body, and cleanses the etheric and emotional bodies; relaxes and expands the emotional body, thereby creating more emotional stability; aligns the mental, emotional and causal bodies, as well as the mental and integrated spiritual bodies; aligns and integrates all the chakras, meridians, nadis and subtle bodies, and balances the 2nd, 3rd and 4th chakras; magnifies the properties of all the chakras, while strengthening and tonifying all the meridians and nadis.



Alleviates various forms of emotional co-dependence, and eliminates any profound feelings of alienation; removes any attachment to negative emotions, as well as the desire to remain entangled in self-deprecation or emotional paralysis; eases any expectations of failure, poor performance or harsh judgement by others, and eliminates the tendency towards self-blame or self-criticism; relieves one's fear of any intense feelings, or the repression of powerful emotions; alleviates any deep fear of intimacy or human contact, as well as any sexual or emotional repression caused by a profound fear of rejection; eliminates any cynical or mistrustful attitudes, due to early rejection or lack of emotional support; eases any cold or detached feelings towards others, due to previous experiences involving abandonment or rejection; removes the tendency to develop a protective shell of defensiveness or intellectual cynicism, and alleviates any anti-social behavioral patterns associated with abandonment or rejection issues stemming from early childhood; removes those fears associated with abandonment or rejection that are usually accompanied by a deep feeling of shame, and eases any difficulty in making social contact with others that leads to feelings of isolation and abandonment; removes any feelings of insignificance or low self-worth when comparing oneself with others, and relieves the tendency to develop a false persona in order to be accepted by others; eliminates the tendency to expect rejection or abandonment from others, as well as the tendency to expect any projection of hostility or the assumption of negative judgements from others that ultimately leads to rejection (both real and imaginary); alleviates any emotional repression or the fear of parenthood, and removes any feelings of rejection or abandonment by one's father, in close interpersonal relationships or from the spiritual realms; addresses the lack of bonding with one's mother that leads to feelings of abandonment, and removes the uncomfortable feelings of rejection that were projected by one's mother during early infancy or "in utero" that results in a feeling of coldness or emotional distance in the soul; eliminates the tendency to dwell on the past when times were better in order to avoid dealing with one's rejection issues, and removes the tendency to emotionally cling to a past which seems to have been more appealing while ignoring the actual pain or trauma that was part of the actual experience; enhances the ability to confront the pain of one's actual circumstances, as well as the ability to release pain, to cry, and to allow inner sadness to surface more easily into a person's conscious awareness so that they may more fully understand the underlying cause; harmonizes most affairs of the heart, including any extreme attachments to other individuals; enhances greater emotional stability, and increases one's emotional warmth and presence.



Actualizes clearer insight into the cause and nature of one's problems, and provides more objective acknowledgement of one's faults; enhances one's ability to comprehend their old cyclical patterns, as well as to perceive new patterns; eases any cyclical patterns associated with periods of rejection or acceptance, and reduces those emotional blockages that hinder an individual from developing a deeper understanding of these cycles; eliminates various forms of social alienation or isolation, as well as any difficulty in initiating or sustaining friendships; removes the tendency to create barriers by encouraging an individual towards greater social involvement, and alleviates the inability to trust in the goodness of others or of the world itself; removes the tendency to treat others in a hostile or mistrustful manner, and eases one's inability or fear to reach out to others; removes various forms of social alienation by increasing one's feeling of social connectedness; and strengthens one's ability to let go of the past while accelerating the healing of the inner child; eases any form of estrangement or alienation from one's mother or the mothering process, due to abuse, abandonment or trauma experienced during early childhood; assists an individual in locating their hidden resources in order to attain true mental or psychological health and well-being, and provides greater courage in order to confront and actively transform any negative, destructive, abusive or threatening situations; provides the human soul with greater courage to actively acknowledge and confront intense feelings or repressed emotions, and promotes more direct and clear communication of one's deep feelings; provides more inner flexibility or adaptability, thereby assisting an individual in making and sustaining the shift from a limited and narrow conception of the Self to one that is more expansive and inclusive of others; provides an individual with renewed confidence or expressiveness, and removes the tendency to severely constrict one's creative expression or stifle one's spontaneity; impels the soul from a self-limiting to a self-transcending mode of behavior, and enhances the soul's perceptive faculties in order to learn from previous life experiences by clearly perceiving their overall meaning and message; assists the human soul in acquiring more inner fortitude and unwavering trust during the outcome of various life events, as well as greater strength and inner conviction; allows an individual to take greater responsibility for their life situation, and restores the soul's ability to respond to life's challenges or problems with greater resilience and inward mobility; develops more flowing receptivity towards life, and promotes greater harmony and an overall sense of inner peace; develops greater detachment and emotional self-sufficiency, and heals the soul conditions of bitterness or resentment; allows an individual to confront any profound spiritual isolation or separation, usually as a direct result of living in a materialistically dense and technologically abstract world culture; restores the soul's original innocence and child-like trust in order for it to become more comfortable with itself, as well as more positive and open in terms of its actions and expressions; allows an individual to create situations that generate good will and loving inclusion, and restores the soul's ability to feel unity and wholeness; promotes greater self-acceptance and self-forgiveness, as well as more positive expectations of good-will from others; alleviates the inability to acknowledge or experience one's inner light or individual uniqueness, and allows a soul the opportunity to acquire a clear sense of its well-developed individuality; removes the tendency to conform one's behavior to social norms in order to win approval or acceptance, and eliminates any desire to desperately insure one's self-worth by focusing on exterior standards of beauty; removes one's inability to generate greater soul warmth, and gently opens any obstructions to one's feeling-life so that the human soul can begin to experience the rich glow of social warmth that results from a loving exchange with others; enhances one's ability to express deep feelings of love and connectedness, and promotes a more balanced exchange of heart energies; provides a greater connection with the Divine feminine principle, as well as the ability to nurture and feel nurtured in return; enhances the ability of the soul to feel and embrace the warm, loving presence of the maternal, and provides greater courage to take emotional risks with others while assisting an individual in remaining open and risking vulnerability so that they can experience the warmth of human love and affection; eases any repressive sexual feelings or the inability to experience human warmth during one's sexual interactions with others, and assists an individual in learning the true relationship between sexual impulses or desires and the authentic emotions of the heart; strengthens one's ability to form committed relationships, and assists an individual to seek relationships that truly engage full-hearted participation or emotional vulnerability; heals the deepest form of soul anguish or despair, often referred to as the "dark night of the soul"; provides the human soul with spiritual guardianship and guidance in its daily affairs, as well as protection during times of crisis or threshold experiences through a living relationship with the angelic realm; assists the soul in surrendering and opening to a new spiritual identity, and promotes an inner sense of Self that is balanced with group or social consciousness.

