Ingredients Traditionally Used to Alleviate



Black Cohosh Root (Cimicifuga racemosa)
Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata)
Cayenne (Capsicum frutescens)
Chamomile Flowers (Matricaria chamomilla)
Chinese Ginseng Root (Panax schinseng)
Greater Celandine (Chelidonium majus)
Oat Straw (Avena sativa)
Peppermint Leaves (Mentha piperita)
Saint John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Scullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora)
Valerian Root (Valeriana officinalis)
White Willow Bark (Salix alba)
Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens)
Wood Betony (Stachys betonica)

Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria)
Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
Cloves (Caryophyllus aromaticus)
Hops (Humulus lupus)
Linden Flowers (Tilia europaea)
Mullein Leaves (Verbascum thapsis)
Onion (Allium cepa)
Prickly Ash Bark (Xanthoxylum fraxineum)
Slippery Elm Bark (Ulmus fulva)
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)


Longing for love; longing to be held.
(Ankles) Represent the ability to receive pleasure.
(Ankle Problems) Inflexibility and guilt; need to give attention to one's body; being discouraged, due to obligations made that are no longer desired.
(Arms) Represent the capacity and ability to hold the experiences of life.
(Arm Problems) Lack of purpose, or mobility of purpose; need to initiate the aggressive action of responding to a stimulus.
(Arthritic Fingers) Desire to punish; blame; feeling victimized.
(Back) Represents the support of life.
(Back Problems) Difficulty in knowing how to be flexible in responding to change; creates a feeling of loss of control or powerlessness.
(Back Problems, cervical/upper) Lack of emotional support; feeling unloved; holding back love; worry; attention is on what the Self does not want to occur; misplaced responsibility, due to feeling responsible for others rather than one's Self.
(Back Problems, cranial) Feeling pressured by external factors.
(Back Problems, lumbar/lower) Fear of money; lack of financial support; difficulties in exercising one's own power and authority; thinking others are in control of one's Self.
(Back Problems, thoracic/middle) Guilt; stuck in all that stuff back there ("get off my back"); fear or apprehension of the ability to cause what is desired in one's life.
(Bones) Represent the structure of the Universe.
(Bone Problems) Thinking of the Self as too old to learn, or that it is too late to cause change.
(Bone Marrow) Represents the deepest beliefs about the Self; how one supports and cares for oneself; need to create a purpose for living; refusal to live; need to accept responsibility for creating one's life as it is.
(Buttocks) Represent power; apprehension or some type of fear.
(Ears) Represent the capacity to hear.
(Ear Problems) Need to listen to the Self; lost in the thoughts of the Self, due to thinking that others will not listen to the ideas of one's Self; need for mental hearing.
(Earache) Anger; not wanting to hear; too much turmoil; parents arguing; refusal to hear the inner Self.
(Elbow) Represents changing directions, and accepting new experiences.
(Elbow Problems) Restriction caused by a lack of purpose; scattering of one's attention.
(Feet) Represent our understanding -- of ourselves, of life, of others.
(Feet Problems) Insecurities; neglect of giving one's attention to where one is at the present time.
(Fingers) Represent the details of life; scattering of one's attention; neglect of a purpose for directing one's attention.
(Finger Problems, index) Represents ego and fear.
(Finger Problems, little) Represents the family and pretending.
(Finger Problems, middle) Represents anger and sexuality.
(Finger Problems, ring) Represents unions and grief.
(Finger Problems, thumb) Represents intellect and worry.
(Foot Problems) Fear of the future, and of not stepping forward in life; need to give attention to one's mental foundation.
(Hands) Hold and handle; clutch and grip; grasping and letting go; caressing; pinching; all ways of dealing with one's experiences; need to develop and define the Self's purpose.
(Hips) Carries the body in perfect balance; major thrust in moving forward.
(Hip Problems) Fear of going forward in terms of major decisions; Self denial, particularly of one's creative expression; nothing to move forward to in one's life.
(Ingrown Toenail) Worry and guilt about your right to move forward; need for a proper perspective in one's life; primarily from physical causes.
(Jaw Problems) Anger; resentment; desire for revenge; mental and emotional tension; need to follow through on ideas, and release the concerns of the day; replaying memory scenes without resolving one's inner stress reactions.
(Joints) Represent changes in one's direction in life, and the ease of these movements.
(Joint Problems) Mental restriction.
(Knee) Represents pride and ego.
(Knee Problems) Stubborn ego and pride; inability to bend; fear; won't give in; inflexibility; restriction within one's thinking process.
(Left Side of the Body) Represents receptivity, taking in, feminine energy, women, and the mother; the past.
(Legs) Represent carrying us forward in life.
(Leg Problems) Fear of the future; not wanting to move.
(Muscles) Represent the ability to move in life.
(Muscle Problems) Resistance to new experiences; straining or forcing, due to unproductive thoughts; retarding of actions on one's mental creations; refusal to be honest with the Self regarding one's strength or capability to cause motion and change.
(Neck) Represents flexibility or the ability to see what's back there.
(Neck Problems) Refusing to see other sides of an issue; stubbornness or inflexibility; viewing responsibility as a burden; need to use one's imagination and will-power; unbending bullheadedness; trying to be responsible for others; trying to interfere with other's decisions.
(Pain) Guilt (which always seeks punishment); denial of one's need to give attention to something.
(Right Side of the Body) Giving out, letting go, masculine energy, men, and the father; moving forward into the future.
(Shoulders) Represent our ability to joyously carry our experiences in life.
(Shoulders, round) Carrying the burdens of life; helpless and hopeless; holding on to ideas of failure; feeling burdened, due to one's attitudes.
(Spine) Flexible support of life.
(Stomach) Holds nourishment; digests ideas.
(Stomach Disorders) Dread; fear of the new; inability to assimilate the new; difficulty in receiving new information; anxiety or worry, leading to unproductive ends.
(Teeth) Represent decisions
(Teeth Problems) Self-neglect; longstanding indecisiveness; inability to break down one's ideas for analysis and decisions.
(Toes) Represent the minor details of the future.
(Wrist) Represents movement and ease.
(Wrist Problems) Forcing rather than creating purposes for learning; no purpose seen in one's activity.


I love and approve of myself. I am loving and lovable. I create a clear picture of my next goal. I initiate immediate and regular, day-by-day, step-by-step action toward this goal.
(Ankles) I accept all the pleasure life has to offer.
(Ankle Problems) I deserve to rejoice in life. I appreciate the body as the temple of the real Self. I realize that I can still fulfill my desires and create meaning in my life. It is not too late.
(Arms) I lovingly hold and embrace my experiences with ease and with joy.
(Arm Problems) I create some type of personal benefit for the things I do each day. I listen to my inner voice that is saying, "This is what I really want to do with my life".
(Arthritic Fingers) I see with love and understanding. I hold all my experiences up to the light of love.
(Back) I know that Life always supports me.
(Back Problems) I willingly create changes and improvement in my life each day. I do not settle for living my life habitually.
(Back Problems, cervical/upper) I love and approve of myself. Life supports and loves me. I am responsible for my Self. By responding to my desires, I can aid others to a greater degree.
(Back Problems, cranial) I maintain attention on my desires, and I am determined to achieve them.
(Back Problems, lumbar/lower) I trust the process of life. All I need is always taken care of. I am safe. I direct my Self and my energy. My thoughts and ideas have value. I share them with others, and teach the value I have to offer.
(Back Problems, thoracic/middle) I release the past. I am free to move forward with love in my heart. I can accomplish anything I desire when I put my mind to it. I step forward each day.
(Bones) I am well structured and balanced.
(Bone Problems) Today influences the future, not the past. The effort I put forth today does have an effect. There is always time to learn, as long as I am willing.
(Bone Marrow) Divine Spirit is the structure of my life. I am safe and loved and totally supported. I create a purpose for each activity I perform, which becomes a personal benefit.
(Buttocks) I use my power wisely. I am strong. I am safe. I focus on my desires. All is well.
(Ears) I hear with love.
(Ear Problems) I practice meditation and dream interpretation. I listen to my inner voice. I share my ideas with others.
(Earache) Harmony surrounds me. I listen with love to the pleasant and the good. I am a center for love. I listen to my inner Self. I meditate for a minimum of 15 minutes each day.
(Elbow) I easily flow with new experiences, new directions, and new changes.
(Elbow Problems) I critically examine all my preconceived ideas and notions. I write them out on paper. I determine which ones need to be adjusted and expanded upon. I am not growing if I think the same way I did a year ago.
(Feet) My understanding is clear, and I am willing to change with the times. I am safe.
(Feet Problems) I focus my attention on where I am in the present. I learn anew each and every day. Security comes from repeated mental success.
(Fingers) I am peaceful with the details of life. I imagine a personal benefit for everything I do.
(Finger Problems, index) I am secure.
(Finger Problems, little) I am myself with the family of Life.
(Finger Problems, middle) I am comfortable with my sexuality.
(Finger Problems, ring) I am peacefully loving.
(Finger Problems, thumb) My mind is at peace.
(Foot Problems) I move forward in life with joy and with ease. I practice mental discipline.
(Hands) I choose to handle all my experiences with love and with joy and with ease. I develop and define my Self's purpose, my desires to be fulfilled, and what I would like to improve about my Self.
(Hips) Hip Hip Hooray -- there is joy in every day. I am balanced and free.
(Hip Problems) I am in perfect balance. I move forward in life with ease and with joy at every age. I spend ten minutes each day looking at my Self in the mirror. I love myself.
(Ingrown Toenail) It is my Divine right to take my own direction in life. I am safe. I am free. I give my body the respect it deserves. I take care of my body.
(Jaw Problems) I am willing to change the patterns in me that created this condition. I love and approve of myself. I am safe. I openly share my ideas with others and put them into practice in order to gain the flexibility to use other's ideas. I discover a freedom that I have never experienced.
(Joints) I easily flow with change. My life is Divinely guided, and I am always going in the best direction.
(Joint Problems) I eliminate from my life and my vocabulary the words "I can't, I won't, I shouldn't, I couldn't, and I haven't". I replace them with "I can, I will, I want to, and I am able".
(Knees) I am flexible and flowing.
(Knee Problems) I have understanding and compassion. I have forgiveness. I bend and flow with ease, and all is well. I choose one limitation that I have placed upon my Self, and I overcome it.
(Left Side of the Body) My feminine energy is beautifully balanced. I lovingly release the past.
(Legs) Life is for me.
(Leg Problems) I move forward with confidence and joy, knowing that all is well in my future.
(Muscles) I experience life as a joyous dance.
(Muscle Problems) My thoughts are productive, and I act upon my mental creations. I am honest with my Self regarding my strengths and capabilities. I begin to practice meditation, concentration, memory enhancement, dream interpretation, visualization, and healing as tools for understanding my mind. I begin to create my imagined desires.
(Neck) I am peaceful with Life.
(Neck Problems) It is with flexibility and ease that I see all sides of an issue. There are endless ways of doing things and seeing things. I am safe. I begin tomorrow as if it were the beginning of a whole new life.
(Pain) I lovingly release the past. They are free and I am free. All is well in my heart now. I create a purpose for everything I do. Then I will experience the pleasure of that activity, instead of wanting to mentally ignore what I am doing.
(Right Side of the Body) I balance my masculine energy easily and effortlessly. I move forward with ease.
(Shoulders) I choose to allow all my experiences to be joyous and loving.
(Shoulders, round) I stand tall and free. I love and approve of me. My life gets better every day. Burden and responsibility are two different experiences. Responsibility is freedom, and always involves purpose. Burden is a chore or task that is contrary to my desire, and is carried for someone or something outside of my Self.
(Spine) I am supported by Life.
(Stomach) Life agrees with me. I assimilate the new each moment of every day. All is well. I mentally visualize what I desire to occur, and not what I fear or don't want to occur.
(Teeth) I am decisive.
(Teeth Problems) I make my decisions based upon the principles of truth and honesty. I rest securely, knowing that only right action is taking place in my life.
(Toes) All details take care of themselves.
(Wrist) I handle all my experiences with wisdom, love, and ease.
(Wrist Problems) Purpose is the benefit or learning that is gained from an experience.


Base ingredients consist of natural herbal botanicals that assist in alleviating various forms of aches, dull pain or throbbing sensations that may occur throughout the physical body, including backaches, earaches, foot aches, headaches, muscle aches or pains, stomach aches and toothaches (as well as aches or pains in the various extremities, such as arms, elbows, hands, knees, legs, neck, toes, wrists, etc.).

The specific medical properties, physiological action and therapeutic uses for each of the primary and secondary ingredients in this formula (as described in The Professional's Herbal Formula Handbook No. 1) can be viewed by selecting the appropriate active links from the list of ingredients above.

A complete 81-page copy of The Professional's Herbal Formula Handbook No. 1 for this particular formula is also available from us (see our complete listing of Handbooks).



Herbal Formulas

Adults and Teenagers

15 to 30 drops every 4 hours (acute conditions), or
15 to 30 drops every 2 hours (chronic conditions), or
15 to 30 drops every hour (terminal conditions), or
as directed by your doctor.


Children (1 to 12 years)

5 to 10 drops every 4 hours (acute conditions), or
5 to 10 drops every 2 hours (chronic conditions), or
5 to 10 drops every hour (terminal conditions), or
as directed by your doctor.


Children (under 1 year)

3 to 5 drops every 4 hours (acute conditions), or
3 to 5 drops every 2 hours (chronic conditions), or
3 to 5 drops every hour (terminal conditions), or
as directed by your doctor.

(Note: 15 drops is equivalent to 1/2 dropperful)

The best times to ingest these formulas each day (acute conditions only): (1) Upon awakening, (2) around noon, (3) late afternoon or before the evening meal, and (4) before bedtime.



   All of our herbal formulas are consistently manufactured under strict laboratory supervision, using only the freshest and finest ingredients possible. All alcohol employed during the manufacture of the 70 Professional Herbal Formulas has been removed by the laboratory, and natural vegetable glycerin has been added as a preservative. Each of the 1-ounce bottles of the herbal formulas will provide an approximate 12-day supply, while the 2-ounce bottles will usually last 24 days when using the recommended dosage for acute conditions.